In the guide you will find different sections to enter: department stores like Harrods in London, Sacks Fifth Avenue in New York, gifts in wich you will also find websites to send flowers or fine chocolates to a friend, luxury fashion for woman , other beautiful woman online shops, luxury fashion for man, other nice online stores for man , lovely sites about kids, home decor, shoes for woman, shoes for man, handbags, sunglasses, elegant and beautiful watches, jewelry stores and exclusive brands, famous perfumes and fragrances for women and for men, e-stores of cosmetics for women and also for men!, healthy and great natural products and cosmetics for all the family , and those marketplaces where nowadays everything can be found.
This shopping guide is intended only to take you to nice boutiques around the world that have currently online store. The guide does not sell items, only takes you to online stores for your you buy there.
I hope you enjoy it and share this guide with your friends